During a chance encounter in Miami, Florida, Steven Bartell met a master blender from Cuba, who gifted Steven one of his cigars. But this wasn’t just any cigar. A true puro, sourced from a single field, organically grown by generations of the same family, and manufactured by Cuban artisans. It smoked clean. You could taste the land. It was unique and beautiful. The cigar felt timeless. Steven fell in love with that cigar and decided to build a company to share it. And so, Molon Labe was born. Early on, Steven recognized the extraordinary leveling effect of cigars. Whether smoking amongst friends or strangers, differences fade and the humbling energy of connection finds its way in. This quintessential cigar experience is at the epicenter of Molon Labe – and everything we do is wrapped in intention to evangelize the stick and bring this profound experience to our customers.